SURF-LOCKDOWN DAY 2: What to do when you can’t surf!

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SURF-LOCKDOWN DAY 2: What to do when you can’t surf!

Keep your brain occupied: Learn a musical instrument

You might have seen our Instagram story of the incredible Kelly Slater jamming away on his guitar, pretty cool huh? Why not use this time to pick up an instrument (if you have one laying around) and give it a crack!

what to do when you can't surf

Don’t loose your paddle fitness: Swim laps 

Okay we’re not all lucky enough to have a pool, but for those of you that are, swimming laps are a GREAT way to work on your lung capacity for when those big sets come through, as well as keeping on top of your fitness while not in the surf every day.

what to do when you can't surf

Stretch out those muscles: Practice Yoga

There are hundreds upon hundreds of great, step-by-step online yoga practices out there. You can download apps including; Yoga Studio by Gaiam (best overall), YogaGlo (best for busy people), Pocket Yoga (best for beginners), Simply Yoga (best for kids) and Yoga For Surfers (best for…. Well surfers!)

There are also some great YouTube channels and clips that offer yoga classes completely free, one such that we’ve been using this week: .

Let us know via Facebook any other great yoga channels, apps or links. Namasté.


Find your inner Master Chef: COOK!

This one sounds obvious; we all have to cook for ourselves at the moment. But how about trying something fun (like a cake, or some dessert foods), or inventive (check out some unique international foods you mightn’t usually cook), or even something that’s a huge challenge! Look outside the box and who knows, you must just realise that you’re the next Jamie Oliver!


Try not to break your back: practice Indo-Board

Do you know the ones we’re talking about? They’re great for balancing practice and keeping those glutes and abs active while you’re not surfing. Jump on one if front of the TV or out in the sunshine a few times a day. They’re not just limited to how long you can balance for either? Practice your hang-tens, pop shuvits, pistol squats or anything you can think of (just don’t hurt yourself!).

Not sure where to get one? Check out Indo Board NZ:


Don’t even leave the couch: watch a surf movie

We all have our favourites… everything from the classics like Morning Of The Earth, to some of Jamie O’Brien’s shorter clips of surfing hectic wedges and surfing waterfalls (yep you heard right). We’re putting together a little list of our favourites… keep your eyes peeled.


Get hyped for the future: plan your next surf trip or lesson

This one is hit and miss, it might make you miss the ocean even more, but it could also enable you to plan a more-epic-than-usual surf trip with allthe free time on your hands that youmight not usually have. Some things you might want to consider and do your research on include

  • Where am I going?
  • When is the swell best here?
  • How am I able to access the breaks?
  • Who am I going with?
  • How much do I need to save by this date? And how can I do so?
  • What will I need to bring?
  • What other activities can I do while we are there?

… and so on. While it may not be an instant fix, it will certainly set you up for when the time finally does come that we can all get back in the water and air again. In the mean time check out our page and get yourself booked for your next lesson or retreat!


Keep your blood pumping: Work Out

Similar to the yoga point, there are HEAPS (literally millions) of apps, online tutorials and more that will keep you fit and active from your very own home such as Chris Mill’s exercised we posted on day one.


Something different: try your hand at slacklining

This is an epic one for surfers. It’s a pretty simple set-up and they are easy enough to purchase online and get delivered straight to you door! They will help you practice using your core strength as well as balance, both vital for surfing!

Where to get one you might ask? Slackline Shop NZ:


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